卡介苗素注射液即卡介苗热酚乙醇提取物的灭菌生理盐水溶液,每支1ml,含卡介苗提取物0.5mg。我们用于防治慢性支气管炎中,发现其对寻常疣有显著疗效。报道如下。 1 一般资料 寻常疣患者18例中,18~25岁者16例,26岁以上者2例;病程<1年者10例,>1年者8例;皮损单发者15例,多发者3例,最多者5个;病损部位手指5例,手背10例,鼻翼部1例,颜面部2例;病变如米粒至豌豆大者15例,小桑椹大者3例;半球状12例;多角形6例;18例患者经上级医院临床诊断及病理证实,均可排除传染性软疣
BCG injection of BCG hot phenol ethanol extract of sterile saline solution, each 1ml, containing BCG extract 0.5mg. We used to prevent and treat chronic bronchitis and found that there is a significant effect on the common warts. Reported as follows. 1 General information 18 cases of patients with verruca vulgaris, 18 to 25 years of age in 16 cases, 26 years of age in 2 cases; duration of <1 years in 10 cases,> 1 year in 8 cases; lesions were 15 cases of single, multiple 3 cases, up to 5 cases; lesions in 5 fingers, back of the hand in 10 cases, 1 cases of nasal wing, facial 2 cases; lesion such as rice to pea 15 cases, 3 cases of mulberry large; hemispherical in 12 cases ; Polygons in 6 cases; 18 patients with superior clinical diagnosis and pathology confirmed, can rule out molluscum contagiosum