近年来,企业参与体育,以比赛打品牌的事已屡见不鲜。2001年全国足球甲B联赛的最后一轮赛事引出的足坛“打黑”事件,在全社会引起巨大反响,社会各界议论纷纷挑战……而掀起这场风波的是浙江几家民营企业。2001年12月 14 日,浙江台州吉利集团董事长李书福和俱乐部总经理桂生悦来到杭州,和浙江绿城足球俱乐部董事长宋卫平一起,联合召开了“浙江足球媒体见面会”,开始了这场在全国掀起轩然大波的揭露足坛黑幕的战斗。然而,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。加上法律还不完善,打黑的大幕虽然拉开了,下一步怎么走,如何抓落实,依然是一个很难回答的问题。先声夺人的两位民企首领目前又持何态度,请看——
In recent years, it has been quite common for enterprises to participate in sports and compete for brands. In 2001, the football “bashing” event brought forth by the last round of the National Football League B has aroused great repercussions in the whole society, and various social discussions have challenged ... Several private-owned enterprises in Zhejiang Province set off this turmoil. On December 14, 2001, Chairman Li Shufu of Zhejiang Taizhou Geely Group and Guisheng Yue, the general manager of the club, came to Hangzhou to jointly hold the “Zhejiang Football Media Meeting” together with Song Weiping, chairman of Zhejiang Greentown Football Club, to start this Set off an uproar in the country to expose the dark side of football fighting. However, freezing three feet, not the day’s cold. Coupled with the law is not perfect, although the curtain opened the black, how to go next, how to grasp the implementation is still a difficult question to answer. What are the current attitudes of the two private-sector leaders who have won the first prize?