汪尧民,做过装潢设计和大型画报美编,擅长中国画和黑白画。自1994年起,连续10年,在《北京晚报》、《北京日报》开设“古都旧景”专栏,发表300多幅描写北京四合院、会馆老街、府邸故居、古迹遗址等京味系列绘画作品。 为支持北京申办奥运,2001年汪尧民与艺术大师吴冠中先生等8位画家一起发起“名家画北京”系列活动,在中华世纪坛、炎黄艺术馆、东方新天地举办画展,向北京奥申委捐赠了作品和《名家画北京》画集。同年,汪尧民出版画集《古都旧景精品集》。 汪尧民作为专栏画家,受到电视台、电台、报刊、网络等媒体的关注和追踪报道。2001年清华大学为庆祝90年华诞,特邀请他画清华,其作品被收藏,并将复制品作为珍贵礼品赠送给校友、来宾,同时印制成精美的台历、明信片等。清华大学还特邀他作专题艺术讲座。 许多年来,汪尧民用他的慧眼匠心,在人们认为不起眼的破旧胡同里、在人迹罕至的荒山野岭,寻觅北京古都三千多年的历史与文化魂魄。 但是,汪尧民的画笔在斧镐和推土机面前似乎显得那样羸弱无力。但当斧镐砸下的砖头滚落在他的脚下,当推土机扬起的尘土遮挡了他的视线,当历史的足迹在他面前被抹去,当一件件珍贵的“清花瓷”在他面前瞬间打碎,他有说不出的感触和无奈…… 听说某处就要被拆迁,他总是救火一样赶过去,
Wang Yao-min, did decoration design and large pictorial beauty editor, good at Chinese painting and black and white painting. Since 1994, for 10 consecutive years, “Beijing Old Post” and “Beijing Daily” have opened the column “Old View of the Ancient Capital.” They published more than 300 Beijing-style series of paintings depicting Beijing Siheyuan, Old Hall of Guildhall, Former Residence, Monuments and Sites works. In order to support Beijing’s bid for the Olympics, Wang Yao-min and his eight masters, such as Mr. Wu Guanzhong, initiated the “Famous Artists Beijing” series in 2001, presented art exhibitions at China Millennium Monument, Yanhuang Art Museum, and Oriental Xintiandi and donated them to the Beijing Olympic Committee Works and paintings of famous paintings Beijing. In the same year, Wang Yaomin published a collection of pictures of the ancient capital of the old King boutique. Wang Yao-min as a columnist, by television, radio, newspapers, Internet and other media attention and follow-up reports. Tsinghua University in 2001 to celebrate the 90th anniversary, invited him to draw Tsinghua University, his works were collected, and the replicas as precious gifts presented to alumni, guests, while printed into exquisite desk calendar, postcards and so on. Tsinghua University also invited him to make a special art lecture. For many years, Wang Yao-min, with his glittering ingenuity, sought out the history and culture of more than 3,000 years in the ancient capital of Beijing in shabby alleyways that people think are inconspicuous and in barren mountains and valleys untouchable. However, Wang Yaomin’s brush seemed weak and weak in front of ax and bulldozer. But when the ax dropped by the pickaxe rolled down at his feet, the dirt raised by the bulldozer obstructed his sight when the historical footprints were erased in front of him. When a piece of precious “Qinghua porcelain ”An instant break in front of him, he has indefinable feelings and helplessness ... ... I heard somewhere will be demolished, he always rushed over fire,