Glimpses into 2009 West Lake Expo

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  2009 West Lake Expo is about to raise its curtain. It goes from October 17 to November 7. As Hangzhou is one of China’s major tourism destinations and as the West Lake is the pearl of the local tourism, many events of the expo take place around the picturesque lake area.
  The first West lake Expo was held in 1929. The second was in 2000. The expo is now an annual event and a large vehicle that carries a great number of hitchhikers and in 2009 these events span a period from September to December. This year, the expo presents 76 events in six major categories all under the heading of tourism.
  The following are a few major events during this period.
  On the afternoon of October 6, a hundred couples joined the group wedding on the West Lake on the Bai Causeway. The Broken Bridge is a venue of romance where China’s most famous tryst took place between a young man and a white-snake-turned lady hundred years ago. The 100 couples traveled first on flower vehicles through downtown. After they arrive at the bridge, they walked on a red carpet. Here each couple took a boat and crossed the lake to the wedding site in a large park, where the group wedding took place. Like previous years, this year also saw a few foreign couples get married on the lake.
  This year, the fireworks gala will be held on the lake as well as in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal section in the north of downtown Hangzhou.
  The international yacht exhibition was held on the 1,000-isle Lake on September 21. More than 30 luxury yachts from America, Britain, and Italy were on display. The lake served as an ideal venue for such a show. At present, the lake area is home to more than 30 luxury yachts, 103 midrange yachts and 144 motorboats. For past few years, the yacht show has been a major attraction on the man-made lake in western Hangzhou.
  Sport events are a major attraction across Hangzhou. Hundreds of bicyclists will race through the Westbrook Wetland Park, a national park in a western suburb of Hangzhou. A leisure carnival took place in Tonglu in late September. Enthusiasts took part in archery, horse rides, and carting. A dragon and lion international invitation competition will be held in Hangzhou in this October. In early November, a camping event will be held on Xinsha Isle on the Qiantang River.
  Yummy delicacy and beverage is another big allure of the West Lake Expo. The annual West Lake Beer Festival will be held in mid October this year. The first beer festival was seven years ago. From 6 to 10 every evening during the festival, people flood in to a lakefront park, drinking beer, watching shows, singing and dancing, and enjoying nibbles. It is a big passionate beer party.
  Mutton Hotpot Festival to be held in Cangqian, Yuhang District from October to December is another big attraction. The region is famed for tasty mutton. It is a tradition for local people to eat mutton in autumn and winter as mutton can add energy to the body and protect the body from the cold of the winter. Since the first festival in 2006, the festival has become a big attraction to the gourmets of the city.
  Another big delicacy attraction is the China Gourmet Festival to be held in downtown Dragon Sports Stadium. It goes from October to November and offers a great variety of snack food from all over the country. In November, a strawberry festival will be held in Jiande. From November to December tourists and local people are also welcome to spend a day on local orange farms in Jiande where they can pick the fruit and enjoy other kinds of rural delights.□
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