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在市场经济条件下,价格杠杆应理解为具有多主体性,因为在所有制形式以及市场经济主体多元化的格局下,政府主要在宏观经济领域自觉地运用价格杠杆调控整体经济运行,而其他经济主体则往往在微观经济领域,根据客观条件许可的程度,自发地利用价格杠杆达到追求利润最大化的目标。价格杠杆调节及影响经济的功能具体发挥出来,则又表现为不尽相同的方式和效果,且时常呈现一种交织状态。价格杠杆的运用还需相关条件的配合,既需要其他经济政策、手段及杠杆的配套使用,也需要行政和法律手段提供必要的保障。 Under the condition of market economy, price leverage should be understood as having multi-subjectivity. Because of the ownership structure and the diversification of market economy, the government consciously uses price leverage to regulate the overall economic operation in the macroeconomic field. Other economic entities Often in the micro-economic areas, according to objective conditions permit the degree of spontaneous use of price leverage to achieve the goal of maximizing profits. Price leverage adjustment and economic impact of the specific function of the show, then the performance of different ways and effects, and often showing a kind of intertwined state. The use of price leverage requires the cooperation of relevant conditions, which not only requires the use of other economic policies, instruments and leverages, but also requires administrative and legal means to provide the necessary guarantees.
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以新建铁路泊江海子煤矿铁路专用线涉河路基、桥涵设计中拟建桥梁位置断面洪水计算为例,分析溃坝流量对桥址断面洪水计算的影响。 Taking the calculation of section bridg
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Background:We compared the human lens documented,using the Scheimpflug densitometry,with the light microscopic changes in the epithelium of the anterior central