1 供应链战略合作伙伴关系传统上的买卖双方之间是一种对手关系。买方通常把价格视为主要决定因素,比较典型的做法是多源采购,即列出潜在卖主清单,分处采购,以免为单一卖主所困。这种方式下的买卖双方互相争斗,以求更好的价格安排或其它让步。但这样做的后果是卖方无法依靠某个买方的长期关系,他们感受不到买主有任何诚意。在供应链管理环境下,买卖双方的关系为直接的、长期的合作,强调相互之间的信任与协作。这与传统的合作模式有着很大的区别(表1)。
1 Supply Chain Strategic Partnership Traditionally, there is a rival relationship between buyers and sellers. The buyer usually regards the price as the main determinant. The more typical approach is multi-source purchasing, which is to list the potential vendors and purchase them in order to avoid being trapped by a single vendor. This way the buyers and sellers fight each other in order to better price arrangements or other concessions. But the consequence of this is that the seller can not rely on the long-term relationship of a buyer and they do not feel the buyer has any sincerity. Under the environment of supply chain management, the relationship between buyers and sellers is direct and long-term cooperation, emphasizing mutual trust and cooperation. This is quite different from the traditional mode of cooperation (Table 1).