鸡西矿务局二道河子煤矿在投入产出总承包中,深化内部挖潜,把降低自用煤消耗作为节支的一条重要途径。我矿从基础工作抓起,健全管理制度,严格考核奖罚,调动了广大职工的节煤积极性,1985~1986年减少自用煤消耗 5万余吨,节约120余万元。1986年被评为全国节能先进单位。 我矿是一个年产 180万吨的大型矿井,现有7300多职工,35000多名职工家属,生产、集体福利和职工生活的自用煤量,1984年达到
Jixi Mining Bureau Erdaohezi coal mine in the input-output contract, deepen the internal potential, to reduce self-use coal consumption as an important way to saving. Starting from the basic work, the mine improved its management system and strictly assessed rewards and mobilization, arousing the enthusiasm of the vast numbers of workers and staff to save coal. From 1985 to 1986, it reduced its own coal consumption by 50,000 tons and saved more than 1.2 million yuan. In 1986 was named the national energy-saving advanced unit. Mine is an annual output of 1.8 million tons of large-scale mines, more than 7,300 existing workers, 35,000 workers and their families, production, collective welfare and employee life of coal, reached in 1984