问:你如何度量成功?答:当一个项目不再需要我的工作时,我就认为它成功了。我需要启动项目,找到和我一样对这个项目兴奋的人来养育这些项目。这样的话,最终结果会比我一个人做要好得多——好问题吸引聪明人,他们能想出更好更精妙的解决方案。从这个角度上说,全球之声(Global Voices,汇聚了几个国家的公民媒体博客)就是我做过最成功的项目之一。如果我被汽车撞了,这个项目在没我的情况下仍然可以继续。Geekcorps则相反,在我离开不久就死了,直到今天我还很难过。
Q: How do you measure success? A: When a project no longer needs my work, I think it is successful. I need to start the project and find people who like me excited about this project to raise these projects. In this case, the end result will be much better than me alone - good questions attract smart people who can come up with better and more sophisticated solutions. From this perspective, Global Voices, a collection of citizen media blogs from several countries, is one of the most successful projects I’ve ever done. If I was hit by a car, the project could still be continued without me. On the contrary, Geekcorps died shortly after I left, and I still feel sad today.