油脂工業中的副产品很多,但是从前我国油厂却没有很好地利用,有不少宝貴的物質都扔在废渣和废水中浪費掉了。而在其他工業中,每年又要用大批外匯从国外进口利用这些物質所制造出来的产品。因此,合理地利用油脂工業中的副产品是非常重要和必要的。油脂工業中的副产品目前我們能够制造和利用的有以下几种: 糠醛糠醛是一种多縮戊醣的产品,在工業上的用途很广,人造纖維工業、塑料工業中应用得很多,并可以作消毒剂与溶剂用。利用油厂中的棉籽壳与向日葵籽
There are many by-products in the oil industry, but in the past, China’s oil plants have not been used very well, and many precious substances have been wasted in waste and waste water. In other industries, large quantities of foreign exchange are used every year to import products manufactured using these substances from abroad. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to make rational use of byproducts in the oil industry. The by-products in the fats and oils industry At present, we can manufacture and use the following: Furfural furfural is a multi-pentane product. It has a wide range of industrial applications. It is widely used in the man-made fiber industry and the plastics industry. For disinfectants and solvents. Use of cotton seed husks and sunflower seeds in the oil plant