铁路运输过程中的车辆碰撞连挂,运输工具启停过程中的加速度都会对运输的罐式集装箱产品产生冲击,从而对结构、性能以及安装设备产生有害影响。为保证运输安全,《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG 31-04)已强制要求罐式集装箱进行铁路冲击试验,无论其是否明确用于国际铁路运输,目前具体试验方法执行联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书(试验和标准手册第5修订版)》。冲击作用是一种暂态过程,过去国内对罐式集装箱产品纵向动态结构强度的评价主要依据关键部位的应力值,无法直接得到整体结构对冲击的响应特性。
Crashing in the course of rail transport and accelerations in the start-stop mode of transport can all impact the tank container products being transported, adversely affecting the structure, performance and installation of the equipment. In order to ensure the safety of transport, the IMDG 31-04 has mandated that tank containers be subjected to a railway impact test whether or not it is explicitly used for international rail transport. Currently, the specific test methods are being implemented in accordance with the UN Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods Recommendation (Trial and Standards Manual Rev. 5) ". Impact is a kind of transient process. In the past, the evaluation of longitudinal dynamic structural strength of tank container products mainly depends on the stress value of the key parts, which can not directly get the response characteristics of the whole structure to the impact.