在法国启蒙时期的文学家卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau,1712-1778)的66年生涯中,他的思想颇受蒙田的影响。他们二人都写过随笔,但不同的是蒙田的随笔只是对他人的说教,而卢梭则是含而不露。卢梭的《一个孤独散步者的遐想》就是最好的证明。当时他处于晚年的隐居状态。该书是卢梭把浮现在头脑中的思想片断信笔写成的,所以通篇显得支离破碎,杂乱无章,象流水帐般的回忆一样。但当你慢慢咀嚼寻味时,你会发现作者所表述的许许多多洞察力深邃的见解和倾注的感情,因此可以使读者从中受到教益和启发,随之产生感情上的共鸣。譬如对哲学家们的评判,在法国,无论是过去
In the 66 years of his career as the French enlightenment writer Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), his thoughts were very much influenced by Montaigne. Both of them wrote essays, but the difference was that Montaigne’s essay was merely a preaching of others, while Rousseau was introspective. Rousseau’s “Reverie of a Lonely Promenade” is the best proof. At that time he was in seclusion in his later years. The book is written by Rousseau in the mind-breaking pieces of ideas, so fragmented, disorganized, as a foul-like reminiscence. But as you chew slowly, you discover the many insightful insights and devoted feelings the author states, and as a result, the reader can be instructed and inspired, with consequent emotional empathy. For example, the judgment of philosophers in France, whether in the past