本文提出一种新的用于Insb半导体的热氧化法,采用此法生长的氧化层与常规热氧化层相比有不同之处,而且有更好的电学性能。图1示出氧化法的装置图解。把样品和蒸馏水密封在石英管内,石英管放于恒温油槽内。水压由环境温度T的饱和蒸汽压P来确定。此法特点是利用高压条件下的沸水,这就大大地降低了氧化温度,从而抑制了V族原子热性激活以及氧化层中向外扩散。在T=140,160,200和240℃时,P分别的为2.6,6.1,15.3和33 atm。当氧化温度高于180℃时,为了抵消密封的石英管内外侧之间的压差,采用一个压
In this paper, a new thermal oxidation method for Insb semiconductor is proposed. The oxide layer grown by this method is different from the conventional thermal oxide layer and has better electrical properties. Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of the oxidation process. The sample and distilled water sealed in quartz tube, quartz tube placed in a thermostatic tank. The water pressure is determined by the saturated vapor pressure P at the ambient temperature T. This method is characterized by the use of boiling water under high pressure, which greatly reduces the oxidation temperature, thereby inhibiting the thermal activation of Group V atoms as well as the outward diffusion in the oxide layer. At T = 140, 160, 200 and 240 ° C, P were 2.6, 6.1, 15.3 and 33 atm, respectively. When the oxidation temperature is higher than 180 ℃, in order to counteract the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the sealed quartz tube, a pressure