2008—2012年凌源市8条小流域被列为国家水土保持重点建设工程。项目区共实施综合治理面积150km2,占下达指标的101.5%。验收保存面积为137.90 km2,综合治理措施保存率为91.9%。经过5 a治理,林草覆盖度提高18.7%。蓄水效率为59.2%,保土效率为86.1%,土地利用率达到99.5%,土地产出增长率达到69.9%,商品率达到81.2%。各项水土保持措施累计增产值为15 022.47万元,平均净增产值3 004.49万元/a,人均纯收入达到5 515元,比治理前增长54.5%。预计到2022年,累计增加产值将达到160 803.11万元,人均年净增产值2 545.80元,人均收入将比2007年增长2.7倍。治理期效益费用比为2.91。运行期效益费用比为31.1。
From 2008 to 2012, eight small watersheds in Lingyuan City were listed as key national water and soil conservation construction projects. A total area of 150km2 is implemented in the project area, accounting for 101.5% of the target released. The area for inspection and acceptance is 137.90 km2, and the conservation rate of comprehensive management measures is 91.9%. After 5 years of governance, forest coverage increased by 18.7%. The water storage efficiency is 59.2%, the soil conservation efficiency is 86.1%, the land utilization rate is 99.5%, the land output growth rate is 69.9% and the commodity rate is 81.2%. The cumulative increase of water and soil conservation measures was 150.2247 million yuan, with an average net increase of 30.449 million yuan / a and a per capita net income of 5,515 yuan, an increase of 54.5% over the previous figure. It is estimated that by 2022, the cumulative increase in output value will reach 1.6,080,311,000 yuan, and the per capita annual net output value will increase by 2,545.80 yuan. Per capita income will increase 2.7 times over 2007. Governance benefit cost ratio of 2.91. Operating cost benefit ratio of 31.1.