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  A shower in May suddenly stops and cloud clears away soon after it pours down in Beijing.Pushing open the door I step outside and see the shower turns every place muddy. The scene reminds me of the line “I climbed to the hall, sat on the steps, and drank the rain-washed air” in Han Yu’s poem , but the rain-washed air here does not relieve summer’s heat and is short of the faintly sweet smell I remember so well since childhood ---Beijing is a cosmopolitan city without gardenia flower.
  I miss the air scented with flowers in May in the south of the lower reaches of Yangtze River: After rain old women quietly sit on the curb of the wet streets, in their front a small towel-covered basket spreading all around an exquisite fragrance that makes you know they are selling gardenia flowers. Occasionally a lady in Ports and carrying a laptop comes over and squads down before a basket to pick one or two flowers and pins them in her hair in a way so elegant and graceful as if she were a beauty painted by a traditional Chinese artist. A flower was sold for 50 cents last year but I don’t know the price this early summer.
  In his poem Han Yu depicts the banana leaves are huge and gardenia flowers thick. It is true that gardenia has thick and white flowers, its petals being plump, fair and fragrant as the beauty Imperial Concubine Yang using too much powder and perfume after bath. Scarcity enhances value. Man of the world somewhat slight gardenia for all its generosity with too much fragrance. Thus neither it is put in a vase filled with clean water nor classified as one of the top-grade flowers in florist’s. Sometimes my mother and elder sister take home a number of gardenia flowers and leave them in a water-filled footbath. Huge white and fresh flowers float on the surface of the water and a stronger sweet smell permeates the room at night.
  Wang Zengqi, a famous essayist, once commented, “ Gardenia flower is large and thick. Its sweet smell is not gone even if you try to brush it off. As a result literati disdain it for its humble character. In poetry it is not but rarely mentioned just to make readers focus interest on other top-grade flowers. But in the folk ditty in the south of the lower reaches of Yangtze River, gardenia flower always associates with lovesickness:Gardenia flower has six petals when blossoming,My lover asks me to meet him when dusk’s approaching,So hard to pass the rest part of the endless long day,I pull the window, watching how slow the sun is moving.All the flowers I have ever seen are duopetalous rather than monopetalous and each petal smells fragrant.
  Once I dropped in a shop and bought a box of cake stuffed with bean paste. One ingredient listed on the wrapping was gardenia yellow. I thought the cake could smell of gardenia’s fragrance but the ingredient turned out to be a man-made colored powder. The fruit of gardenia is a natural coloring matter called gardenia yellow. Anything it dyes is tinged with reddish yellow. In the Han Dynasty thousand of acres of land were planted with gardenia and the clothes that were dyed yellow were innumerable. The fruit I have ever seen with my own eyes is small, flat and elliptical with edges and corners around. It gradually turns golden in late autumn.
  Gardenia, inexpensive, delightful and adaptive, roots and easily grows in the vast land and adored by ordinary people. However the flowers Chinese literati favor are attractively thin, delicate, suitable for those who appreciate them when spitting half a mouthful of blood and supported by two maids. In contrast with them gardenia seems shamelessly healthy. But Wang Zengqi expounds his idea in writing “ Gardenia says, ‘Damn you! I just would smell so sweet, pleasantly sweet! It’s none of your damn business! ” What a good scolding gardenia gives.
   A few days ago, I visited a neighbor at his invitation to see his potted flowers. One plant that had long green leave but did not come into bud looked familiar but I couldn’t tell its name. My neighbor said, “ It is gardenia.” Obviously I was incompetent in identifying the plant when it was not in bud.
  Seeing him cultivating the flowers so finely and carefully, I smiled, remembering the first part of a Chinese proverb: Goods are precious when taken away from their original place. But my smile froze when I remembered the second part: Man is devalued when leaving his hometown.
  北京五月, 忽放豪雨, 又霎时云散雨收。我推门出去, 满目泥泞, 是升堂坐阶新雨足, 却缺了一抹记忆中的、淡淡的解暑之香——北京,是一座没有栀子花的城市吧。
  汪曾祺说:“栀子花粗粗大大,又香得掸都掸不开,于是为文雅人不取,以为品格不高。”诗词里不过偶一提及,是敬陪末座,江南小调里却有风情:“栀子花开六瓣头, 情哥哥约我黄昏头, 日长遥遥难得过, 双手扳窗看日头。”是相思总与花争发呢。我见过的栀子,全是复瓣的,都是千瓣芳菲。
时值初秋,同朋友去法国西南边缘旅行。那里是葡萄的天下,园里的葡萄都已经成熟,到处弥漫着浓浓的甜香,让人沉醉。葡萄园包围着一个很小的小镇,优美整洁,建筑是中世纪风格,但却并不显得陈旧。一条不宽的街道穿越整个小镇,三三两两的超市、加油站、医院、小学校、教堂有序地坐落在街道两旁。这条街道也是小镇连接外部的主要通道,行人不多,都闲适从容,透着一种本真的田园生活气息。  小镇北侧有一条弯弯曲曲的小溪,流经多
1660—1688年复辟时期,在议会和国王的斗争中,英国的宗教言论极不自由。天主教阴谋案就发生于这一时期。1678年,一位名叫泰特斯·奥茨(1649—1705),的人捏造了一个谣言,宣称天主教信徒正在策划一次针对国王查理二世的暗杀行动,然后让其弟詹姆斯取而代之。虽然这只是个谣言,却导致英国陷入了长达3年的恐慌,并最终推动了全英国反天主教运动的发展,有多人因此而丧命。    骗子奥茨    1677
经济合作与开发组织(OECD)最新公布的一项统计数据显示,韩国的家庭储蓄率在OECD成员国中将降至最低水平。  据OECD的经济预测,明年韩国的家庭储蓄率(家庭储蓄占除税金、养老金负担等之外家庭可支配收入的比例)为3.2%,在OECD成员国有统计的17个国家中与日本并列最低水平。有统计的17个国家明年的家庭储蓄率平均为8.5%,比韩国高5.3个百分点。家庭储蓄率居第1位的是瑞典,预计将达到16.3
为了解开这个谜团,我决定在味江边灯诱,地点就选择在发现地村落附近一处悬崖边。这里下方数百米就是味江,由于没有山峰遮挡,晚上灯诱时灯光可以照射到很远。具有巨大翅膀的昆虫应该可以从远处见到灯光,并且不顾一切地飞过来。正当我和博物馆考察队员们架设灯诱设备的过程中,“巨型怪虫”的另外一位目击者又出现了。  旁边不远处一位宾馆的保安走过来看我们在干什么,在得知我们打算在这里灯诱一种怪虫时,还没等我们描述到底
19世纪中叶,俄罗斯乐坛出现了一个5人创作小组,他们致力于俄罗斯民族音乐的开拓与宏扬,主张以现实主义的手法、遵循民族性和人民性的原则从事音乐创作,为俄罗斯民族音乐的发展立下了不朽功绩。这个小组的领袖是米里·阿列克谢耶维奇·巴拉基列夫。  1837年1月,巴拉基列夫出生于下诺夫哥罗德市(今高尔基市)的一个盐务局职员家庭。小米里7岁时在家里就跟母亲伊丽莎白·伊凡诺夫娜学钢琴。1846年,他随母亲来到莫
一项调查结果显示,经济合作与开发组织(OECD)30个成员国中,韩国女性的工作时间最长。此外,韩国男女员工的工资差距超过成员国平均水平2倍,韩国女性的雇用条件也相当恶劣。  OECD近日发表的这项调查报告指出,以2005年的数据统计,每周工作40小时以上女性的比例,韩国达77%,在OECD 30个成员国中最高。  另一方面,在OECD 30个成员国中,大学毕业以上的女性就业率,比只接受了义务教育女
这里没有国籍、种族、年龄、性别、职业、宗教之分,没有政治立场的分歧;这里以安全、卫生、友善、舒适、经济、环保为标准,是背包族的乐土,漫游者的天堂。这就是遍布世界各地的青年旅舍。    ●初 始●    青年旅舍(德语为Jugendherberge英语为Youth Hostel,简称YH)也常称为青年旅馆,兴起于20世纪初,在今天位于德国北威州的理查·薛曼学校,时为当时教师的理查·薛曼认为,学生不应
这幅作品描绘的是博物馆里的情景,三个展示品并排放在三个基座上,一条红色的绳索穿在铜支柱上作为护栏。在这幅作品中,马格里特空间布局明确,强调视觉效果,采用了错觉艺术手法。其实,他所要突出展现的是中间基座上那块圆柱形的黄油,上面还插着一把木质的刮勺,基座上标着数字,使人联想到这块黄油在比利时的佛兰德省出售时的情形。黄油的两侧分别是让人敬畏的耶稣基督和但丁的铜质头像。   法国艺术家马塞尔·杜桑曾画过厕