古人云:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”在信息时代,如何把信息时代的多媒体特征融于物理教学设计及教学过程中,是摆在物理教学工作者面前一个刻不容缓的问题。值得庆幸的是越来越多的中学物理教师在不断思索这个问题,多媒体信息手段的应用已经不再是教师、学校的“做秀”的工具,多媒体已经被广大教师应用于日常的物理教学中了。《中国多媒体教学学报》(以下简称《学报》)自创刊以来就接到许多这方面的稿件,《学报》本着探索、求新、求实的原则,精心挑选,刊载了广大教师在多媒体技术应用于物理教学方面的心得体会。恰到好处的多媒体应用有时胜过教师的千言万语,在这个问题上河北省徐水县义联庄乡中学的刘宝安老师深有体会(《整合空间取长补短》刊登于《学报》2004年第2期)。刘老师在文中这样写道:“如我在讲‘参照物’这一概念时是这样引入的:用 flash 设计两个场景的动画,两个场景中适当加入背景音乐及朗诵,分别展现出‘两岸青山相对出’和‘孤帆一片日边来’的意境。这样,可通过这种美的意境感染学生,使其融入情景之中并
The ancients said: ”In the information age, how to integrate the multimedia features of the information age into the teaching design and teaching of physics is an urgent task facing physics teaching workers The problem. Fortunately, more and more middle school physics teachers are constantly thinking about this issue. The application of multimedia information is no longer a tool for teachers and schools to make shows. Multimedia has been applied by teachers in daily physics Teaching The Journal of Multimedia in China (hereinafter referred to as “Journal”) has received many articles in this area since its foundation. The Journal has carefully selected and published the principles of exploration, innovation and truthfulness, Experience in teaching physics. Just right multimedia applications are sometimes better than the teachers a thousand words, in this issue, Xuzhou County, Hebei Province, Yilian Zhuang Township High School teacher Liu Baoan deep understanding (“integration of space to learn more” published in the “Journal” No. 2, 2004 ). Liu wrote in the article: “As I was talking about the concept of” reference object "is introduced: the flash design two scenes animation, two scenes appropriate to join the background music and reading, respectively, to show ’Cross-Strait relative to the green’ and ’Gone sail on the edge of a’ artistic conception, so that through this beautiful mood to infect students to integrate into the situation and