
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wh_wzy
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The new nanosolid superacid catalyst SO42-/TiO2 is compounded with nanometer chemical technology. This catalyst SO42-/TiO2 has good catalytic effects on esterificational reactions of ethylic acid and ethyl alcohol. It has many other advantages such as strong water proof quality, being able to be used repeatedly, being easy to be reclaimed, non corroding, non polluting. So it is a green industrial catalyst which is helpful to the environment and possesses wide prospect of applications. The crystallo process, specific surface area and sulphur content of the SO42-/TiO2 system have been studied with the method of XRD, XPS and the chemical analysis, the result of which indicates that catalytic activity and acid strength of SO42-/TiO2 is affected by the H2SO4 saturant concentration, baking temperature, precipitating condition, specific surface area and sulphur content. The best preparation conditions of SO42-/TiO2 are: ageing temperature at 0℃, 0.5mol·L-1 of H2SO4 concentration, baking temperature at 500℃and 3 hours of baking time. The new nanosolid superacid catalyst SO42- / TiO2 is compounded with nanometer chemical technology. This catalyst SO42- / TiO2 has good catalytic effects on esterificational reactions of ethylic acid and ethyl alcohol. It has many other advantages such as strong water proof quality, being able to be used repeatedly, being easy to be reclaimed, non corroding, non polluting. So it is a green industrial catalyst which is helpful to the environment and possesses a wide prospect of applications. The crystallo process, specific surface area and sulphur content of the SO42 - / TiO2 system have been studied with the method of XRD, XPS and the chemical analysis, the result of which indicates that catalytic activity and acid strength of SO42- / TiO2 is affected by the H2SO4 saturant concentration, baking temperature, precipitating condition, specific surface area and sulfur content. The best preparation conditions of SO42- / TiO2 are: aging temperature at 0 ° C, 0.5 mol·L-1 of H2SO4 concentration, baking temperature at 500 ℃ and 3 hours of baking time.
为揭示热轧退火态 Fe- 6.5 % Si(质量分数 )合金的形变机制 ,研究了该合金不同温度下的力学性能 ,并利用透射电子显微镜分析了其有序结构和拉伸样品中的位错组态 .结果表明 ,
通过引入拟临界性质的概念,将对应态原理与基团贡献方法相结合,提出一种新的物性估算方法--对应态基团贡献法(Corresponding State Group Contribution,简称CSGC).将其与Ried
采用表面钝化和MOCVD低温生长在蓝宝石 (0 0 0 1)面 (即C面 )和蓝宝石 (110 2 )面 (即R面 )上形成了InGaN量子点 ,并构成了该量子点的多层结构。原子力显微镜测试的结果表明
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随机运动的系统通常具有无后效性,或称具有Markov链的特性,这一特性广泛应用于各个领域,包括在管理科学的决策中. 将Markov链应用于预拌混凝土市场预测中,并阐述论证了稳定状