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作为一名基层领导干部,真正做好对上负责与对下负责的统一,既为国分忧,也为民解难,既是贯彻落实江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”重要思想的体现,也是对领导干部自身能力的检验。怎样理解对上负责呢?笔者认为,对上负责的根本要求就是在思想上、政治上、行动上与党中央保持高度一致,顾全大局。要做到这一点,首先要善于把上级的指示精神与本地区、本部门的实际情况紧密结合起来,因地制宜地办好自己的事情,创造性地推进各项工作。其次对上负责也是对客观实际负责,有喜报喜,有忧报忧,如实地向上级反映情况,特别是反映存在的问题和困难。第三,对上级工作中存在的问题,要敢于直言相谏,提出批评和建议。 As a leading cadre at the grassroots level, truly making the charge of responsibleness and the responsibility of being responsible for the unification is not only a matter of separation but also a solution to the problems of both the country and the country. It is not only the implementation of the important thinking on ’Three Represents’ put forward by Comrade Jiang Zemin but also Examination of the leading cadres’ own abilities. How to understand it? In my opinion, the fundamental requirement of being responsible is to maintain a high degree of congruence with the Central Party Committee in the ideological, political and operational aspects and give consideration to the overall situation. To do this, we must first of all be good at closely combining the instructions of superiors with the actual situation in our region and our own department, properly handle our own affairs according to local conditions and creatively promote various tasks. Secondly, it is also responsible for the actual situation and is responsible for the actual situation. We are happy about the news, worry about worries, truthfully reflect the situation to the higher authorities, and especially reflect the existing problems and difficulties. Thirdly, we should dare to be honest about dissenting opinions and put forward criticisms and suggestions on the problems existing in our work at higher levels.
近年来,随着中国资本市场的发展,市场对资本的需求量迅速增加,证券私募发行开始了在一些领域的探索。但证券私募发行在我国现行法中无明确的规定,这导致了制度严重落后于现实,许多问题值得探讨,本文仅就与这种发行方式相关的问题作几点思考。  证券私募发行的界定  证券发行,指证券发行人以筹集资金为目的按照特定程序出售有价证券的活动。公募发行和私募发行是证券发行最典型的分类。  我国《证券法》第十条规定了公开
为庆祝上海解放50周年 ,本市各新闻单位刊发了不少专题文章和照片。1999年5月17日《新闻报晚刊》第5版刊发了一张历史照片 ,画面是二排女同志的合影 ,文字说明为 :“提篮桥监狱中的革命