Story A

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游戏规则:1.在第四期杂志和第五期杂志上我们已各刊出一个故事开头,欢迎大家在此基础上任意发挥,让这两个故事(故事 A、故事 B)不断发展;2.我们将从读者的投稿中挑选出一篇最精彩、空间最为开放的续写片断作为故事的正式线索,下一期续写将以此为基础。我们在本期杂志上刊出的是故事 A 的续写,第十一期杂志将刊出故事 B 的续写,以此类推;3.除中选作为故事正式线索的续写外,每期还将评出“非常想象奖”或“最美梦幻奖”一篇在杂志上刊登,但不作为续写的依据;4.续写片断应以英文写成,长度在500单词以内,故事如何发展你可尽情想象,但请尽量为后来者留下更广阔、更开放的发展空间;5.中选续写片断作者将获得稿酬100元及当期杂志5册,“非常想象奖”及“最美梦幻奖”得主可获稿酬50元及当期杂志5册;6.年底将从今年所有投稿中评出“小说天才”大奖二名,各获赠价值500元的外语图书及次年全年《英语学习》;7.续写片断截稿日期为每月25日(以寄出地邮戳为凭)。例如:要参与续写本期的故事,你需要在10月25日之前寄出稿件。信封上请注明“异想天开”Story A⑤。 The rules of the game: 1. In the fourth and fifth magazines we have published a story at the beginning, we welcome everyone to play on this basis, so that these two stories (Story A, Story B) continue to develop; We will pick out the most wonderful and the most open episode from the readers’ submission as the official clues of the story, and the next one will be based on this. Our issue of this issue is the continuation of story A, the issue of the eleventh issue of the story B, and so on; 3. In addition to the mid-story as a formal clues to the story, each issue also Will be judged “Imagine Award ” or “most beautiful dream award ” a published in the magazine, but not as a basis for writing; 4. Continuation of the clip should be written in English, the length of 500 words or less, the story How to develop you can enjoy the imagination, but please try to for future generations to leave a broader and more open space for development; 5 in the election to write a piece of the author will receive a reward of 100 yuan and the current magazine 5, “extraordinary imagination award” and “Winner of the most beautiful Dream Award ” winner will be paid 50 yuan and the current magazine 5; 6 at the end of this year will be from all contributors in the “novel genius” award two, each received a value of 500 yuan in foreign language books and times Year-round “English learning”; 7. Continuation of the deadline for writing on the 25th of each month (postmarked by post). For example: To participate in the current issue of the story, you need to send manuscripts by October 25. Please state on the envelope “whimsical” Story A ⑤.
Tom Freeman sees the UnitedStates differently than most ofus see it.He looks down at theworld from the air.Tom has anunusual job:painting flagpoles.Theflagpole