近日,由日本贸易振兴机构、上海世贸商城共同主办的“GOOD GOODS Japan日本精品亚洲巡展”第三期配对会在上海世贸商城成功举办。在看到中国市场对日本产品的接受度后,越来越多的日本中小企业在日本贸易振兴机构的组织和帮助下,纷纷加入该巡展,此次,共有20多家日本企业参与了配对会。与此同时,51家70余位中方家居品代理经销商、百货机构参加了主办方组织的商贸配对洽谈。在历时五个小时的交流时间内,洽谈气氛热烈,会后,供应商及买家均表示对洽谈
Recently, the “GOOD GOODS Japan Japan Boutique Asia Tour” co-sponsored by Japan External Trade Organization and Shanghai Mart was successfully held in Shanghai Mart. After seeing the acceptance of Japanese products in the Chinese market, more and more Japanese SMEs joined the exhibition with the help of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). This time, more than 20 Japanese enterprises participated in the matchmaking meeting . At the same time, 51 more than 70 Chinese household goods dealers, department stores attended the organizers of business matching negotiations. During the five-hour exchange, the atmosphere for the negotiation was warm. After the meeting, both the supplier and the buyer expressed their opinions on the negotiation