守卫“十八大” 红门抒豪情 全国公安消防部队书法美术摄影展获奖作品选登

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在喜迎党的“十八大”胜利召开之际,由公安部消防局主办,公安部消防文联、重庆市公安消防总队承办的“喜迎十八大红门抒豪情”公安消防部队书法美术摄影作品展日前在重庆中国三峡博物馆举行。本次展览是一次集中展示近年来公安消防部队文化建设成果和文艺水平的饕餮盛会,荟萃了来自全国公安消防部队1800余名官兵、离退休干部和合同制消防员的优秀作品,其中不乏全国知名文艺家的精品力作。展览作品之精美、参赛作品和人数之众多、展厅场景之宏大、观赏氛围之热烈,在消防文化史上可谓盛况空前。此次展评自7月启动以来,组委会共收到书法作品521幅、美术作品307幅、摄影作品 On the occasion of the celebration of the victory of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security hosted the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security and the Public Security Fire Brigade of Chongqing Municipality. Fire force calligraphy art photography exhibition recently held in Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum. This exhibition is a gluttonous event focusing on the achievements and literary and arts level of the public security and fire brigade in recent years. It brings together over 1,800 outstanding works of officers and soldiers, retired cadres and contracted firefighters from the national police fire brigade, many of whom are well-known in the country Literature and art masterpiece. Exquisite works of the exhibition, entries and the large number of people, the grand scene of the exhibition hall, watch the atmosphere of the warm, unprecedented in the history of fire culture. Since its launch in July, the organizing committee has received 521 calligraphic works, 307 works of art, and photographs
在北京2001中国国际体育用品博览会上,记者发现一个角落里被挤得人满为患,人群中还不时传出阵阵喝彩,十分热闹。什么新鲜玩意? At the Beijing 2001 China International Sp
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以为都能忘记转身又想起你也许只能靠时间来抚平这个伤口风知道我想你也许风是你在天堂的呼吸 I thought I could forget to turn around and remember that you may only