1.前言日本国铁稻沢机务段配备有33台DD51型内燃机车,31台DEl0.11型内燃机车,还有DE15、DD16、DD13等型内燃机车,总计为73台。这些机车在一年中所用的燃料费约为33亿日元,占该段实际使用经费总额的80%左右。于是,对是否能大幅度地节约巨额的燃料费作了以下的调查研究。 2.研究目的在内燃机车上节约燃料的方法大致可分为下列两方面: (1) 列车在运行中(在动力运转和惰力运转时)节油。
1. Introduction Japan’s Daikokujo Railway Depot is equipped with 33 DD51 diesel locomotives, 31 DEl0.11 diesel locomotives, and DE15, DD16 and DD13 diesel locomotives for a total of 73 units. The fuel costs for these locomotives in the course of a year are about 3.3 billion yen, accounting for about 80% of the total actual use of the section. As a result, the following research was conducted on whether or not to save huge amounts of fuel on a large scale. 2. Research purposes The method of fuel saving in diesel locomotives can be broadly divided into the following two aspects: (1) The train is fuel efficient in operation (during powering and idling operation).