未来的技术至少有三种类型.第一类是目前已知的科学的应用,唯一要求的是工程上的发展或时间和金钱以使其日臻完善。一个最近的例子是,一俟了解了核裂变的细节,就建造出了第一座核裂变反应堆,而目前的一例,是建造核聚变反应堆。第二类未来的技术,是将我们的视野放到那些只有通过新的科学发现才能实现的工艺上。寻找一种能够阻止人的衰老过程和返老还童的方法就是一例。一个过去的例子是,力求治愈诸如肺结核之类的传染性疾病,这导致了抗生素疗法的发展。巴贝吉(Charles Babbage)在19世纪提出的建造一台通用计算机的设想,又是一例。尽管巴贝吉对如何设计这样一种计算
There are at least three types of technology of the future: the first is the application of the science known so far, the only requirement being engineering development or time and money to make it perfect. A recent example is the construction of the first nuclear fission reactor once the details of nuclear fission were known, and the current case of nuclear fusion reactor construction. The second type of future technology is to focus our vision on processes that can only be achieved through new scientific discoveries. One way to find a way to stop the aging process and to rejuvenate people is to do so. A past example is seeking to cure infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, leading to the development of antibiotic therapies. An example is the assumption put forward by Charles Babbage in the 19th century for building a general purpose computer. Although Babbage on how to design such a calculation