标准缺失 如何“罩”得住健康

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随着我国雾霾天气逐渐趋于常态化.各种标榜着对PM2.5有防护作用的口罩纷纷登场,成为人们日常生活中对抗雾霾天的主要“武器”。当市场上大量宣称具有防尘、防霾功能,对可吸入颗粒物PM10以及PM2.5有很好过滤效果的口罩产品应运而生并且不断脱销时,你感受到口罩带给你的安全了吗?3月21日,中国消费者协会首次公布了对近期市场上销售的37款口罩防护性能的比较试验结果。中消协的比较试验结果把一些打着防霾口号的口罩打回了原形:在37款口罩样品中,仅有9款防霾效果好且佩戴舒适,这个比例甚至不到总数的三成。据中消协副秘书长栗元广介绍,这37款口罩的样品来自北京、上海、合肥、重庆、宁波、哈尔滨等6个城市的商场、超市、医药商店、劳保用品店、批发市场以及相应的购物网站,涉及28家口罩生产及经销企业。口罩价格从每个0.58元到每个199元不等,基本涵盖市场上销售的主要品牌的口罩。 As China’s fog and haze weather gradually become normalized, all kinds of masks that have a protective effect on PM2.5 have appeared one after another, and become the main “weapons ” in people’s everyday life against fog and haze. When you have a large number of claims on the market with dust-proof, haze prevention, respirable particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 has a good filtering effect masks came into being and out of stock, do you feel masks to your safety yet? March 21, China Consumer Association for the first time released on the market recently sold 37 mask comparative performance test results. Comparison of the results of the Consumers Association Some anti-haze slogan masquerading back to the prototype: In the 37 models of masks samples, only 9 haze good effect and comfortable to wear, this ratio is even less than 30% of the total. According to Deputy Secretary-General of CASIC Li Yuan-wide introduction, the sample of 37 masks from Beijing, Shanghai, Hefei, Chongqing, Ningbo, Harbin and other six cities shopping malls, supermarkets, pharmacies, labor insurance products stores, wholesale markets and the corresponding shopping Website, involving 28 masks production and distribution companies. Masks prices from each 0.58 yuan to 199 yuan each, covering the market basically covered the main brands of masks.
<正> 产后癃闭,亦称产后尿潴留,多发生于滞产或手术产后。笔者自1971年以来,运用耳穴埋针,治疗本病50例,疗效尚佳,兹报道如下。1 一般资料本组50例,初产妇46例,经产妇4例,年
以多环芳香烃及纤维素钠为主要原料制成的新型减水剂(GWR) ,掺入建筑石膏中后 ,对建筑石膏具有较明显的减水、增强作用。文中详细介绍和研究了GWR减水剂对天然建筑石膏和化学
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