
来源 :冰川冻土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huolong820
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In this paper the characteristics of surface radiative fluxes and cloud-radiative forcing are reviewed with a focus on the Arctic. Three aspects are addressed, including (i) changes in radiation flux over the global surface; (ii) characteristics of surface fluxes in the Arctic; and (iii) characteristics of cloud-radiative forcing in the Arctic. The clouds not only significantly reduce the peak summer radiative heating of the surface but also reduce the wintertime radiative cooling at the surface in higher latitudes. The downward longwave fluxes dominates the incident radiative fluxes in the Arctic during most of the year. Incoming shortwave fluxes are negligible during late fall, winter and early spring, and even during the midsummer the incoming shortwave fluxes are only slightly greater than the downward longwave fluxes. The total net surface radiative flux is negative for most of the year and only positive during midsummer in the Arctic. The global net cloud-radiative forcing is negative, but the cloud-radiative forcing is positive in the Arctic, showing a warming effect, except for a short period in mid-summer. Positive cloud-radiative forcing in the Arctic is attributed to the presence of snow and ice with high albedo and the absence of solar radiation during the polar night.
以新疆北部81°~94.6° E, 41°~48.2° N区域为试验区,利用北疆地区1981~1990年1月气象站的雪深观测数据,采用克里格空间内插方法,估计试验区的雪深分布. 结果表明,内插结果与试验区
安徽山鹰纸业股份有限公司坚持以技术进步和技术更新改造谋求发展,生产规模不断扩大,经济效益连年提高. 1999年通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证,2000年被评定为省优秀高新技术企
乌鲁木齐河源冬季积雪样品的对比淋溶实验结果表明, 积雪最初融水中发生离子富集现象,尤其对于经过多次融冻循环的积雪样品,Cl-, NO-3和SO2-4的最大浓缩系数可分别高达2.7,4.0
首次利用钻孔旁压仪对青藏公路沿线典型地段多年冻土的力学性质进行了原位测试 .利用平面弹性体理论和Lame提出的无限弹性介质中的圆柱孔穴径向膨胀方程对试验曲线进行解译 .
The study of Antarctic glaciology in China is reviewed with the emphasis on the past decade. Much progress has been achieved in the physical characteristics of
进入高中阶段,各校各老师总免不了组织学生考试,因为考试能检验学生对知识的掌握效果,检查学生应用知识解决实际问题的能力,能查缺补漏,帮助教师了解学情……  但是,每当考试完毕