常香玉 ,在中国大地响彻半个多世纪的名字 ,她不仅是一位德艺双馨、妇孺皆知的戏剧艺术家 ,而且也是一位伟大的爱国艺人。特别是在 50年代初期 ,常香玉与她领导的香玉剧社为朝鲜战场义演募捐“香玉剧社”号飞机的爱国义举 ,震撼了亿万中华儿女的心 ,引起了中国大地一场波澜壮阔
Chang Xiang-yu, who has been ringing the earth for more than half a century in China, is not only a dramatic artist with a well-deserved reputation for both gentry, but also a great patriotic artist. Especially in the early 1950s, Chang Xiang Yu and her co-star Qiuyu Drama Club donated a donation of “Jade Jade Club” to the Korean Battlefield Charity Campaign, shocking the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese children and arousing a great deal of Chinese land Magnificent