我县经过一年来的艰苦努力,经济效益显著提高。1983年与1982年比较,全县预算内工业企业总产值增长17.1%,销售收入增长12%,工商税收增长15.6%,利润总额增长45.2%,并实现无亏损户、无欠税、无欠利。我县的具体作法是: 提高认识、加强领导。领导的思想认识是否正确,精神是否振作,对搞好扭亏增盈工作至关重要。我县县委、县政府把提高企业经济效益,大抓扭亏增盈作为中心,对企业逐户摸底,决定对六户与大工业争能源、争原料,而且产品质量差、成本高、销路滞,亏损大的企业,实行关闭或转产。接
After years of hard work in my county, the economic benefits have improved significantly. Compared with 1982, the county’s total output value of industrial enterprises increased by 17.1%, sales revenue increased by 12%, industrial and commercial tax revenue increased by 15.6%, total profit increased by 45.2%, and there was no loss-making households, no taxes, no interest . The specific approach in my county is to raise awareness and strengthen leadership. Whether the leadership’s ideological understanding is correct and whether the spirit is refreshed is crucial to doing a good job of turning deficits and increasing profits. The county party committee and county government of the county has made efforts to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises, focus on profitability and profit increase as the center, and make decisions on the basis of households and households. It has decided to compete for energy and raw materials among six households and large industries, and has poor product quality, high costs, and poor sales. Loss-making enterprises are closed or converted. Pick up