每天晚上,出租车都会在一些高级写字楼前排成长队。的哥们等待的顾客大都是些年轻白领——他们从写字楼里鱼贯而出,钻进的士分散向城市的各个角落。刺眼的车灯照亮了路边林立的广告牌,年轻人对着上面巨大的“.com”发出会心的微笑——是的,这些年轻人就是这个时代的宠儿:.com一族。然而,蜷伏在静谧的夜里,又有多少.com人躁动不安、难以入眠。.com 一族的辛酸苦闷,又有谁能体会? 1.锻炼心理承受能力。在.com这个三个月等于一年的领域里,你要时时刻刻准备承受各种坏消息的打击——因为坏消息的产生和传播速度甚至是三小时等于一年。比如说,你随时会面临被解雇的危险。
Every night, taxis will grow up in front of some high-end office buildings. The buddies are mostly young white-collar workers - they flocked out of the office building, taxi into the scattered corners of the city. The dazzling headlights illuminate billboards on the roadside, and the young man gives a smirk of smiles to the huge “com.” - yes, these young people are darlings of the era: .com. However, curled up in the quiet night, how much .com people restless, it is difficult to sleep. . Com family bitter boring, who can understand? 1. Exercise psychological ability to bear. In the area of .com, which is three months equal to one year, you are always prepared to face the brunt of all the bad news - because bad news is generated and spread for as little as three hours a year. For example, you are at risk of being fired at any time.