磷肥是作物生长发育不可缺少的营养元素。土壤中有效磷的含量及磷肥的施用,对小麦产量有直接的影响。1986年全国土壤普查结果表明:廊坊市有近70%的土壤含磷量(P_2O_5下同)在10ppm 以下。其中46.7%的土壤极度缺磷。尽管当时大量的施用氮肥,小麦亩产总在125公斤左右徘徊。近6—7年来由于土壤大量施用磷肥,小麦产量直线上
Phosphate fertilizer is an indispensable crop growth and development of nutrients. Available phosphorus in soil and phosphorus application have a direct impact on wheat yield. The results of the 1986 National Soil Census showed that nearly 70% of the soil P content in the Langfang City (P_2O_5 the same below) is below 10ppm. Among them, 46.7% of the soil is extremely deficient in phosphorus. Although a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer was used at that time, the total output of wheat hovered around 125 kilograms. Nearly 6-7 years due to the large amount of phosphate fertilizer applied to the soil, wheat yield on the line