Metonymy在中文中译作“换喻”,Synecdoche在中文中译作“提喻”.这两种辞格十分相近,其共同点是不直接说出所指对象的名称,而采取某种替代形式:它们的区别在于:Metonymy是借与某事物密切相关的东西来表示该事物,因此亦称之为“借代”,而Synecdoche是以某事物的局部表示整体,或反过来以整体表示局部.例如:人在幼年离不开摇篮,因而借用the cradle表示“婴儿时期”这就是Metonymy: He must have been spoilt from the cradle.“,”Metonymy and synecdoche are the two forms of the figures of speech. They are often used in written English. Their common characteristics are which they don''t speak things directly. The author tries to analyze the forms and differences between metonymy and synecdoche.