Apple Watch和第三方开发者可以把它变成“人与机器”或者“人与互联网”的连接器和入口。4月24日,苹果Apple Watch开始向用户发货。在中国,即使大多数人搞不懂这块方形电子表上的Force Touch和Send a digital touch是什么东西,也挡不住无数要立马买一块提升逼格的渴望国人对Apple Watch的狂热,连大洋彼岸的美国主流媒体都震惊了,这两天包括《今日美国》在内的媒体都在报道AppleWatch在中国加价2000~4000元出售的奇闻。既然Apple Watch这么热,下一步是不是应该想想如何在1.5英寸大小的屏幕上做营销了吧?数字营销最痛苦莫过于此。我们刚刚理顺了PC端上的营销策略,还设有来得及想清楚手机
Apple Watch and third-party developers can turn it into a connector and entry for “people and machines” or “people and the Internet.” April 24, Apple’s Apple Watch began to ship to users. In China, even if most people do not understand what the Force Touch and Send a digital touch on this square electronic watch are, they can not stop the innumerable urgency to buy Apple’s fanciness Across the Atlantic, the mainstream media outlets in the United States were both shocked. Both media outlets including USA Today are reporting anecdotal evidence that AppleWatch has raised its bid in China by 2,000 to 4,000 yuan. Since Apple Watch is so hot, should not the next step be to think of how to market on a 1.5-inch screen? The most painful digital marketing is this. We have just streamlined the PC-side marketing strategy, but also have time to think clearly cell phone