家风连着党风,党风连着政风。领导干部因其工作性质和社会地位的关系,其家属在社会上的言行举止,引起人们普遍的关注,也成为反腐倡廉的一个重要问题。在这方面,党和国家老一辈领导人给我们树立了很好的榜样,他们在对待家属问题上表现出来的高风亮节,永远值得我们学习。 周恩来的“十条家规” 新中国成立后,周恩来就担任了中央人民政府政务院总理。刚解放,百废待兴,一方面人们找事情做不容易,一方面又有很多政府部门需要有人来做事。周恩来故乡的亲戚和朋友怀着万分喜悦的心情,纷纷给他写信表示祝贺,不少人
Family style attached to the party style, Party style attached to political power. Due to the nature of their work and their social status, the leading cadres’ demeanor in society has aroused widespread concern and has become an important issue in combating corruption and building a clean government. In this regard, the leaders of the older generation of the party and the country have set a good example for us. Their high ethos in treating their dependents will always be worth learning. After Zhou Enlai’s “Ten Rules” was established in New China, Zhou Enlai served as the prime minister of the Central People’s Government. Just liberated, to be used up, on the one hand people find things difficult to do, on the one hand, there are many government departments need someone to do something. Zhou Enlai’s relatives and friends hometown with great joy in the mood, have written to him to congratulate, many people