对初中学生来说,考场作文题一般多与 他们的生活密切相联。语文教学界曾经有过 把考试作文归纳为社会、个人、家庭和校园 四大类的说法。近年上海中考作文试题“我 的视线”、“我也衔过一枚青橄榄”、“有家 真好”等的命题基础即大致落实在前三方面 的内容上。如本刊本期刊发的一组作文《我 的男生(女生)》,则应该认为其命题基础是 落在校园生活之上的。一方面,这是一种对 作文内容和选材上的限定,另一方面它也是 对学生写作思路的引导和启发。
For junior high school students, examination questions are usually closely related to their lives. In the language teaching world, there have been arguments for categorizing test writings as social, personal, family, and campus. In recent years, the proposition basis of Shanghai exam questions such as “My Eyes”, “I also have a green olive,” and “I have a good home” are basically implemented in the first three aspects. For example, a group of essays “My Boys (Girls)” issued by this periodical should consider that the proposition is based on the campus life. On the one hand, this is a limitation on composition and material selection. On the other hand, it also guides and inspires students’ writing ideas.