“Cool thinking” of subject literacy,core literacy and identity in undergraduate teaching system

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  bstract:With the continuous development of modern society,there are some new characteristics in undergraduate education.But looking at the whole situation,it will take time to eradicate the malpractice of undergraduate education level.“Cold thinking” may bring us more attention to students’physical and mental development.However,under the situation of “cold thinking”,we need to look forward to the future,let “cold thinking” go deeper,let undergraduate education go to a higher level,instead of “undergraduate to specialist” situation.
  Key Words:subject accomplishment;core literacy;identity;cognitive structure;“cool thinking”
  1 Definition of subject literacy,core literacy and identity
  The basic quality of a subject refers to the basic professional qualities of a student or scholar in this subject.Core literacy refers to the essential character and key ability that students should possess to meet the needs of lifelong development and social development.Identity is the result of internalization of a certain value or behavioral norm.Identity is the consciousness of internalization.In this paper,the identity of college students refers to the individual’s acceptance and confirmation of his identity as a “college student” and the recognition of his own set of behavior patterns and values.
  2 “Cool thinking” under the discipline accomplishment
  The quality of college students is uneven,and students’learning initiative is also different.It is particularly important to mobilize students’interest in learning.How to stimulate students’ interest in learning? New introduction of new lessons can stimulate students’ interest in learning.The introduction of classroom teaching is like the introduction of drama,the prologue of film and television plays,and the carefully designed introduction can touch the heartstrings of students and make them feel high.The knowledge of various disciplines is rich and colorful.Teachers should be good at displaying knowledge in exquisite artistic form,so as to stimulate students’interest in learning.Different teaching contents will lead to different methods of introducing new courses,but the form should be novel,unique and interesting.
  3 “Cool thinking” under core literacyChangingstudents
  learning styles and developing students’ good habits.The cultivation of College Students’ core literacy is a systematic work,and there must be a gradual process.In this process,teachers should pay attention to the change of students’learning methods,so as to promote the reform of their learning methods.To cultivate students to listen attentively,think independently,and finish their homework carefully and independently so that they can form a good study habit.Through this research,students can further improve their autonomous learning,research learning and cooperative learning.   4 “Cool thinking” under the identity of University Students
  First of all,we should integrate our own situation (professional situation,personal basic conditions,family background factors) and social development requirements (industry development,social needs,etc.) to understand our strengths and weaknesses.Secondly,to cultivate the interest and expectation of the goal,interest is the best teacher,if you think that is your dream,others can not stop you.Thirdly,we should have down-to-earth endurance,step by step,and accumulate self-confidence from a small goal.Finally,we should timely adjust the course,pay attention to the development trend,and make reasonable arrangements according to the development situation.
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摘 要:新课程标准里说道:“语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分。工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。”但在现代语文的教学中,却还存在只注重“工具性”的培养,而忽略了“人文性”的培养,以致一部分人的思想品德出现了偏差。在语文教学中如何在提高学生写作能力的同时提升学生的人文素养呢?本论文将针对这个问题进行展开,通过阐述在语文的教学中,在各个环节中提高学生各方面的学习能力,从而提高
摘 要:十九大报告提出“要全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务,发展素质教育,推进教育公平,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人”,进一步明确素质教育和学生全面发展的重要性。目前,在我国农村,音乐教育在大多数小学仍然没有得到应有的重视,以对增城区派潭镇高岭小学调研为例,本次通过对学生音乐听力、音乐及音乐课的态度以及对音乐知识和技能的掌握等情况进行的抽样调查与研究,结果表明当前农村小学
摘 要:幼儿教师,是幼儿离开家庭环境之后接触的第一位真正意义上的“教师”。然而,由于幼儿的年纪偏小,主要通过模仿的方法进行学习,所以在幼教工作中,幼儿对于幼儿教师的信任度较高、依赖性较强,幼儿教师的工作表现、言行举止也会对幼儿的心理成长产生巨大的影响。因此,要想做好幼教工作,提高幼儿教师的工作能力,就必须从幼儿教师的师德师风教育工作入手,通过提高幼师的师德师风的方法,对幼儿的成长和学习产生积极的影
摘 要:国产公路电影虽然在国内起步较晚,但是自从2001年第一部公路电影《走到底》诞生以来,也有不少作品取得了不错的成绩,如《落叶归根》《无人区》《心花路放》《后会无期》等作品。在作品选择方面,本文选择了在喜剧方面也做了较为丰富尝试的《落叶归根》。在分析研究方面,国内有研究把视点放在了国产公路电影是如何继承或模仿美国的公路电影这一方面,还有人把视点放在公路片中的一些常用元素进行具体分析,當然,也有
摘 要:托尔斯泰塑造的人物形象——安娜·卡列尼娜,具有复杂的性格和极其矛盾的心理,是一个典型的圆形人物。本文基于福斯特的圆形人物理论,从安娜的多重文化身份角度切入,分析安娜的性格特征以及探讨身份的多重性对塑造圆形人物的影响。  关键词:安娜;圆形人物;多重身份  福斯特的圆形人物理论虽然存在含混不清之处,但也绝非毫无价值。简单来说,圆形人物是指小说中具有复杂性格特征的人物。小说人物性格的复杂性与其
摘 要:阅读是深植于人类灵魂深处的基本需求。通过阅读,人类完成对自我内在的认知、和他人外部的交流沟通,达成提升完善自我的深层需要。毋庸置疑,阅读在人类学习生活中占据越来越重要的地位。如今,阅读理解不但是高考语文的必考题型,更是其他科目分析理解题意的基本技能。长期以来,阅读从功能角度被分为欣赏性阅读和功利性阅读。对于学生群体来说,欣赏性阅读和功利性阅读的区别更是极为明显。他们往往乐于进行欣赏性阅读,
摘 要:本文以辽东学院外国语学院英语专业精读课为例,说明利用移动端app软件——“超星学习通”进行课程模式改革的设计与应用情况。从分析超星学习通软件的功能与优点入手,介绍辽东学院英语精读课课程改革的具体方面,说明在新的考核模式下,借助移动端提升学生英语学习能力的具体方式方法。  关键词:移动端;智慧课堂;精读课  一、前言  在“互联网+教育”背景下,大学课堂呈现出立体、多面的课堂模式,探索基于移
摘 要:近段时间,从上海携程事件到北京红黄蓝幼儿园事件,接连爆出的幼师虐童事件,引爆了广泛的社会舆论,并使家长,社会以及国家对于幼儿园的教育管理及教师师德水平产生了质疑。作为一名从事幼儿教育多年的老师,我从教育资源配置不合理,教师缺乏职业道德,幼儿园管理缺失等等方面来研究幼儿教师虐童现象产生的原因,提出了一些改善方法,希望能对改善当前幼儿教育环境起到一定的作。  关键词:虐童;虐童的危害性;虐童原
Anstract:For modern people,mobile phone is far from just a communication tool for making phone calls and sending messages,but a smart thing similar to or even better than a computer.Using mobile phone
摘 要:当今我国民族文化旅游产业发展如火如荼,少数民族地区以当地民族文化特色为依托打造民族旅游场域司空见惯,最具特色的便是民族旅游场域衍生的子场域——演艺场域,而其中参与者为其不同的诉求在演艺场域打造过程中发挥着不同的功能。旅游演艺场域中传统民族文化再生产的价值主要是传播传统民族文化,激发少数民族文化精英、当地民众和整个社会保护和传承传统民族文化自觉意识的形成。  关键词:文化再生产;演艺场域;土