【摘 要】
In order to support the production of key cotton-producing areas, the province has set up a support group for cotton key producing areas and is composed of comrades Lin Mengfei, Cui Qiang, Liang Chunyang, Ding Ruifeng, Chen Jing Xian and Liu Zongshun and is headed by Comrade Lin Mengfei. Cotton key producing areas support group office located in the provincial people’s committee finance and trade office, hope and contact.
本刊讯(记者 樊俊)近日,财政部副部长、党组成员许宏才出席国务院政策例行吹风会,介绍2019年落实重大政策措施真抓实干成效明显地方予以督查激励的有关情况,并回答记者提问.r
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