七十年代末八十年代初,英国著名女作家多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919.10.22-)突然以一年一部小说的高速度,把她的新作、被称为是“太空小说”的科幻五部曲展现在世人的面前,人们纷纷为她的天才与勤奋喝彩,但同时又对她的这种创作突变感到惊愕与困惑,甚至万分失望。人们不禁要问:作为蜚声英国和世界文坛的主流文学作家,为什么突然转向“非主流文学” 的创作?她的“太空小说”究竟反映了什么样的主题?艺术上有何特色?世人该怎样来评价以及该怎样来研究这一文学现象?毫无疑问,弄清楚这些问题,对于莱辛研究进而对于英国女性文学研究,都是具有重要学术价值的。本文试图围绕上述问题展开讨论。
In the late seventies and early eighties, Doris Lessing (1919.10.22-), a famous British woman writer suddenly put her new work called “Space Novels ”sci-fi five-part show in front of the world, people have her applause for her genius and hard work, but at the same time she was surprised and confused by this creative mutation, and even extremely disappointed. One can not but ask: As the mainstream literary writer in the literary world in the United Kingdom and the world, why did you suddenly turn to the creation of “non-mainstream literature?” What kind of theme does her “space novel” reflect? What are the characteristics of art? To evaluate and how to study this literary phenomenon? Clearly, to clarify these issues, for Lessing’s research and thus for the study of British women’s literature, are of great academic value. This article attempts to focus on the above issues to discuss.