斯蒂格利茨越说越生气2001年的诺贝尔经济学奖授予了斯蒂格利茨(Joe Stiglitz),他的信息不对称理论解释了市场失效的原因。他的获奖似乎预示着21世纪的经济学将与20世纪的经济学风格迥异。20世纪经济学的代表人物当属萨缪尔森和弗里德曼。和萨缪尔森一样,斯蒂格利茨几乎在经济学的所有重要领域都做出了开创性的工作。但是,和萨缪尔森不同的是,斯蒂格利茨不满足于书斋中的平静生活,曾长期在美国政府和重要的国际组织中担任要职。斯蒂格利茨曾经是克林顿时期总统经济顾问委员会
Stiglitz Speaks More Angry The 2001 Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to Joe Stiglitz, whose theory of asymmetric information explains the causes of market failure. His award seems to indicate that the economics of the 21st century will be very different from that of the 20th century. The representatives of 20th-century economics are Samuelson and Friedman. Like Samuelson, Stiglitz has done pioneering work in almost every important area of economics. However, unlike Samuelson, Stiglitz is not satisfied with the quiet life in the study, and has long held important positions in the U.S. government and major international organizations. Stiglitz was once the Clinton presidential economic adviser’s committee