《Minerals Engineering》2 0 0 1年 1 4卷第 6期上刊登 Salama A.I.A.介绍有关通用分离系数在矿物加工中的应用的文章。作者提出了用于评价矿物加工中多组分、多产品分离工艺的分离特性的通用分离效率( USE)。把在分离工艺数据中得到的最大通用分离效率称之为通用分离系数 ( U
“Minerals Engineering” Salama A.I.A., Volume 14, Issue 6, 2001 presents an article on the application of universal separation factors in mineral processing. The authors propose Universal Separation Efficiency (USE) for the evaluation of the separation characteristics of multicomponent and multi-product separation processes in mineral processing. The maximum general separation efficiency obtained in the separation of process data is called the universal separation factor (U