一、风动凿岩机的用途、特点与分类 (一)用途与特点由第二讲凿岩机械的分类中知道,凿岩机械是凿岩机和其凿岩辅助设备的总称,凿岩机是凿岩机械中用以钻凿破碎岩石的一类机械化工具,而风动凿岩机又是诸类凿岩机中的其中一种。所谓风动凿岩机就是以压缩空气为动力介质的一类机械化凿岩工具。
First, the use of pneumatic rock drill, characteristics and classification (A) uses and characteristics from the second classification of rock drilling machinery know, rock drilling machine rock drilling machine and its auxiliary equipment in general, rock drilling machine is used to drill A type of mechanized tool that shatters rocks, and aero-rock drill is one of a variety of rock drills. The so-called pneumatic rock drill is a type of mechanized rock drilling tool with compressed air as the driving force.