Redox behaviors and structural characteristics of Mn_(0.1)Ce_(0.9)O_x and Mn_(0.1)Ce_(0.6)Zr_(0.3)O_

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong603
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Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox and Mn0.1Ce0.6Zr0.3Ox samples synthesized by sol-gel method were tested for redox properties through the dynamic oxygen storage measurement and characterized using X-ray diffraction, BET, electron paramagnetic resonance, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed that redox performances of ceria-based materials could be enhanced by synergetic effects between Mn-O and Ce-O. Fresh and aged samples were characterized with the fluorite-type cubic structure similar to CeO2, and furthermore, the thermal stability of Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox materials was improved by the introduction of some Zr atoms. From XPS, it could be concluded that Mn2+/Mn3+ redox couples existed on the surface of Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox and Mn0.1Ce0.6Zr0.3Ox samples. Electron paramagnetic resonance researches revealed that there were three types of Mn2+ species: isolated Mn2+ substituting for Ce4+ ions in the lattice with a cubic symmetry, ones in defect with a noncubic symmetry, and at the surface of samples. Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox and Mn0.1Ce0.6Zr0.3Ox samples synthesized by sol-gel method were tested for redox properties through the dynamic oxygen storage measurement and characterized using X-ray diffraction, BET, electron paramagnetic resonance, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed that redox performances of ceria-based materials could be enhanced by synergetic effects between Mn-O and Ce-O. Fresh and aged samples were characterized with the fluorite-type cubic structure similar to CeO2, and further, the thermal stability of Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox materials was improved by the introduction of some Zr atoms. From XPS, it could be concluded that Mn2 + / Mn3 + redox couples existed on the surface of Mn0.1Ce0.9Ox and Mn0.1Ce0.6Zr0.3Ox samples . Electron paramagnetic resonance researches revealed that there were three types of Mn2 + species: isolated Mn2 + substituting for Ce4 + ions in the lattice with a cubic symmetry, ones in defect with a noncubic symmetry, and at the surface of samples.
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