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四年一次的全国磁学和磁性材料会议于1983年11月1日至6日在江苏省常熟市召开,来自全国一百八十多个单位的四百五十多名代表出席会议。大会顾问委员会成员、磁学界的老教授、老专家潘孝硕、郭贻诚、褚圣麟、载礼智和柯成等自始至终参加了学术交流活动。中共中央顾问委员会委员、原外贸部部长李强应邀在大会上讲话,他强调了科学技术在国家发展中的作用,勉励全体代表要重视自己的创造力,要有勇气,要讲科技道德,开展学术和技术交流,为祖国四化大力协作。本届会议由中国电子学会、金属学会、物理学会、计量学会、仪表材料学会和中华医学会等六个学会联合主办。这次大会收稿520多篇,最后录用了320篇。这些论文涉及的内容十 The quadrennial national conference on magnetic and magnetic materials was held in Changshu, Jiangsu Province from November 1 to November 6, 1983 with more than 450 delegates from over 180 units nationwide. Members of the Advisory Committee of the General Assembly, old professors and old experts in the field of magnetism, Pan Xiao-Shuo, Guo Yi-Cheng, Chu Sheng-Lin, Lo Shi-Chi and Ke Cheng attended the academic exchange activities from start to finish. Li Qiang, member of the Advisory Committee of the CPC Central Committee and former Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, was invited to address the General Assembly. He emphasized the role of science and technology in the development of the country, encouraged all delegates to attach importance to their own creativity, and should have the courage to talk about science and technology and carry out academic And technical exchanges, vigorously for the four generations of the motherland. This session is jointly sponsored by six societies, such as China Institute of Electronics, Institute of Metals, Physics Society, Metrology Society, Instrument Materials Society and Chinese Medical Association. The conference received more than 520 articles, finally hired 320 articles. These papers cover the content of ten
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也不知有过多少次,在城市,在农村,……碰到过多少年轻人。跑过来握紧我的手,是那么激动,又是那么热情。 I do not know how many times in the city, in rural areas, ... ... ho
本文简要阐述了计量在企业生产中的作用,提出了企业做好计量工作应采取的措施。 This article briefly describes the role of measurement in the production of enterpris
甲状腺癌是临床常见的恶性肿瘤之一,乳头状腺癌约占甲状腺恶性肿瘤的 51.3%~86%不等[2~4]。本文据WHO在1989年制定的甲状腺肿瘤组织学分类法,对本院1987年~1997年收治的86例甲状腺恶性肿瘤中选出乳头状癌58例进行