In the process of foundation pit and tunnel excavation, the soil in different parts will experience different stress paths. Under different stress paths, the soil may show quite different statics. At the same time, in engineering practice, the working strain of soil is often in the range of small strain, while in the case of small strain, the static characteristics of soil show stronger nonlinear and stress path dependence. Based on a series of undrained and drained hydrostatic tests of soft clay, which are widely distributed in the eastern part of China, and show many undesirable engineering features, the stress path is used to study the influence of stress paths on the static characteristics of saturated soft clay, especially the small strain Effect of secant modulus on case. The experimental results show that the stress path has a great influence on the static strength of saturated soft clay both in undrained and drained conditions. The results show that the loading stress path with increasing confining pressure increases the static strength and the confining pressure decreases Unloading the stress path reduces the static strength. At the same time, the stress path has a greater influence on secant elastic modulus. The loading stress path with increasing confining pressure decreases the secant modulus, while the unloading stress path with decreasing confining pressure increases the secant modulus. The influence of stress path on the secant modulus is more obvious at small strain, which is mainly due to the soil anisotropy caused by the change of stress path direction.