China’s foreign trade in the first five months of 2012
According to statistics of the Customs, China’s exports and imports in the first five months of 2012 reached$1.51089 trillion, up by 7.7% over the same period of last year. Specifically, exports stood at $774.4 billion, up by 8.7% year on year; imports $736.49billion, up by 6.7%. The five months saw a trade surplus of $37.91 billion. The total export and import value of May reached to $343.58 billion with an increase of 14.1%, which broke the record of $334.11 billion last November.
Significant increase in trade with emerging markets; obvious resurgence in trade with the United States. From January to May of the year, China’s bilateral trade with Russia and Brazil reported 24.4% and 10.9% increases over the same period of last year. The nation’s bilateral trade with ASEAN increased by 9.2%; that with the United States up by 12%; and that with the Europe and Japan up by 1.3% and 0.4% respectively.
Significant increase in exports of central and western China; rising increase in exports of eastern China. During the last five months, exports of Western, Central and Eastern China increased by 56.3%, 25.1% and 5.2% respectively. Exports of Chongqing City and Henan Province expanded by 2.3 times and 1.1 times. Exports of Sichuan, Jiangxi and Guangxi Provinces increased by 78.7%, 57.2% and 22.7% respectively. Fujian Province exports increased by 9.3%.
Rising increase in exports of mechanical and electrical products; slmat beoon a rt d-hi yns t e ionnf c strihev ee a syg eeoa oir nd, sC e. h xInp in otahr e tes x f ip ors o ft r tfthi e vede$447.88 billion worth of mechanical and electrical products, 9.9% higher than that of last year, 1.2 percentage points higher than the increase rate of the nation’s total exports, accounting for 57.8% of the total exports value. In specific, the country exported $179.46 billion worth of electrical appliance and electronic products, an increase of 6.7% over the same period of last year; exported $148.5 billion worth of mechani- cal equipment, up by 12.1% from the same period of last year. Among the labor-intensive goods, the country exported $52.57 billion worth of clothing, up by 2.5% year on year, $38.07 billion worth of textiles, up by 1.4%, and $16.42 billion worth of shoes, up by 8.5%.
Steady increase in exports under the general trade; slowdown of the expansion rate of the processing trade. From January to May of the year, China’s general trade value increased by 8.8% year on year to $801.57 billion. Specifically, exports reached $371.83billion, an increase of 9.8% year on year; imports increased by 8% to $429.74 billion. The nation’s processing trade value increased by 4.4% year on year to reach $530.23 billion. Specifically, exports rose by 6.3% to $340.44 billion, while imports increased by 1.3% to $189.79 billion.
Utilization of foreign investment
In the first five months of 2012, China approved the establishment of 9,261 new foreigninvested enterprises, a decline of 12.16% year on year. The nation utilized $47.11 billion worth of foreign capital, a decline of 1.91% from the same period of last year. In May alone, China approved 2,245 new foreign-invested enterprises and utilized$9.229 billion worth of foreign capital, an increase of 0.05% from the same period of last year.
Continuant increase in investment in China from the United States; steady development in investment from Asian nations and regions; decline in investment from the Europe. Investment from the United States continued to rise from January to May of the year, amounting to$1.289 billion, an increase of 0.29% year on year. Paid-in capital from ten Asian nations and regions(Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and South Korea) amounted to $40.656 billion, down by 1.41% year on year. Paid-in capital from the 27 European Union nations fell by 5.06% to$2.781 billion, 23 percentage points lower than the decline rate of the past four months.
Significant increase in paid-in foreign capital to central China. In the first five months of the year, the central regions made an actual use of$3.859 billion, an increase of 9.2% and accounting for 8.19% of the national total. The eastern regions made an actual use of $40.198 billion in foreign investment, a decline of 1.49% year on year and accounting for 85.33% of the national total. The western regions made an actual use of $3.053 billion in foreign investment, a decline of 17.19% year on year and accounting for 6.48% of the national total.
Significant increase in the utilization of foreign capital by some of the service sectors. In the first five months of the year, The sectors of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fisher- ies made an actual use of $688 million in foreign investment, 1.46% of the country’s total utilization of foreign capital. The manufacturing industry made an actual use of $21.176 billion in foreign investment, which accounted for 44.95% of the national total. The service industry made an actual use of $22.105 billion, rising to 46.92% of the nation’s total utilization of foreign capital.
First increase in utilization of foreign capital in one month after six-month continuous decline. In May alone, the amount of utilization of foreign capital reached to $9.229 billion, up by 0.05% year on year, which represented the first increase after six-month continuous decline.
Overseas investment and economic cooperation
China’s outbound FDI In the first five months of 2012, China’s domestic investors invested directly in 1,709 overseas corporations in 115 nations and regions, with a total of non-financial outbound FDI of $28.52 billion, an increase of 40.2% year on year. Specifically, $11.2 billion worth of direct investment was made in the form of merger, making up for 39.3% of the total FDI. The investment in Hong Kong, the United States, EU and Russia reached to a double-digit growth, which are 50.9%, 45.9%, 23.6% and 22.5% respectively. Local FDI had an increase of 51.4% year on year to $9.84 billion, accounting for 34.5% of the total FDI, 11 percentage points higher than the national increase rate. By the end of May, China had made $350.6 billion worth of FDI on an accumulative basis.
Overseas-contracted projects In the first five months of the year, China’s overseas-contracted projects reported a turnover of $36.66 billion, an increase of 13.5% year on year. May reported a turnover of $7.55 billion, up by 1.8% from the same period of last year. $43.86 billion worth of new contracts were signed from January to May, down by 21.7 % year on year. In May alone, $8.53 billion worth of new contracts were signed, down by 30.8% year on year. By the end of May, China had signed a total of $885.5 billion worth of agreements on contracting overseas projects, and realized $575.7 billion in turnover.
Foreign labor service cooperation In the first five months of 2012, the number of all kinds of labor sent abroad was 176,000, an increase of 7,000 from the same with last year. 91,000 of them are working on overseas contracted projects, and 85,000 of them are for labor cooperation. At the end of May, there were a total of 827,000 Chinese working abroad, 44,000 more than the same period of last year.
(Source: Press conference of the Ministry of Commerce of China on Jun 26, 2012)