In this study, we use the introduction of science and engineering English as a research paper to the postgraduates of science and engineering in our country and native speakers of English as the corpus to compare the similarities and differences between the two types of author in constructing the research space and its realization form. The findings are as follows: (1) The introduction of the thesis by student authors is far less complete than the author’s author in terms of the completeness of the grammatical structure and the step-by-step cyclical nature. Moreover, the core structure of the research space is lacking: “review the previous studies” and “point out the gaps” (2) transitive verbs, in which student authors tend to use embedded remarks and the positive position of the table, and expert writers tend to use non-embedded transliteration and transitive verbs of neutral or negative positions in the table; (3) Weak form of language implementation, contrary to expert authors.