黄芪为中医补气要药,始载于《神农本草经》,其后历代各家本草均有记载,并认为出自甘肃宕昌、岷县、临潭、固原一带的黄芪质量较佳。甘肃为我国黄芪主产区之一,药材生产历史悠久,但长期以来,商品黄芪的来源颇为复杂,真假难分,对生产、购销和应用均造成很大困难。因此,澄清黄芪混乱品种,分清真伪以确保用药安全,这是当前迫切需要解决的问题。根据我们调查所得标本来看,本省被当作黄芪的原植物计30种2变种,分属于3科10属,它们是:豆科Leguminosae (黄芪属Astragalus,岩黄芪属Hedysarum,野豌豆属Vicia,草木樨属Melilotus,米口袋属Gueldenstaedtia,苜蓿属Medicago,棘豆
Huangshao is the medicine for qi supplementation in Chinese medicine. It was originally published in the Shennongboshi Classics. Later, all the ancient Chinese herbs were recorded. It is believed that the quality of Astragalus membranaceus from Gansu Suichang, Ganxian, Lintan and Guyuan is better. Gansu is one of the main producing regions of Huanghua in China. The production history of medicinal materials has a long history. However, for a long time, the source of commercial Huangqi has been quite complicated. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it has caused great difficulties for production, purchase, sale and application. Therefore, clarification of the chaotic cultivars of Astragalus and the separation of the authenticity from the original to ensure the safety of medications is an urgent problem to be solved. According to the specimens obtained from our survey, the province was considered to be 30 species and 2 varieties of the original plant of Astragalus, belonging to 3 genera and 10 genera. They were Leguminosae (Astragalus, Hedysarum, Vicia, Vicia, Leguminosae). The genus Melilotus, Gueldenstaedtia, Medicago, Oxytropis