中国作为禁止太空常规武器国际运动的先锋至今已经有一段时间了。一年多前,这个亚洲超级大国——还有俄罗斯、越南、印度尼西亚、自俄罗斯、津巴布韦和叙利亚——在联合国提出了一项禁止部署太空基武器的条约草案。 但是,就在北京努力争取多国联盟和公众舆论反对“太空武器化”之际,它还在继续悄悄地发展自己的旨在摧毁美国军事设施的太空基武器和战术。在这方面,中国的战略是通过限制并最终使美国现有的太空基防御设施失效而削弱美国的军事优势,以及预先发展许多专家认为将为防止弹道导弹袭击提供最有效保护的新技术。
It has been some time since China took the vanguard of the international campaign to ban space conventional weapons. More than a year ago, the Asian superpower - and Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Russia, Zimbabwe and Syria - proposed at the United Nations a draft treaty banning the deployment of space-based weapons. However, just as Beijing strives for multinational alliances and public opinion to oppose the “weaponization of space”, it continues to quietly develop its own space-based weapons and tactics aimed at destroying U.S. military installations. In this regard, China’s strategy is to cripple the military superiority of the United States by limiting and, ultimately, disabling the existing space-based defense facilities in the United States, and by developing in advance new technologies that many experts believe will provide the most effective protection against ballistic missile strikes.