We have to seal the bearing, in order to extend the service life, the distance between the bearing group is larger, in order to maintain its stability and the three principles of the inner tube can be adjusted, the SD-I type single action double tube (see figure) is designed. With the assistance of the Changchun District Court practice team, production trials were conducted. From the preliminary results: 1 This double-tube structure is more reasonable, bearing life is longer; 2 single-action performance is greatly improved, and stable, drilling in the broken formation, there is a clear anti-blocking effect, can increase the return footage 3 Because the inner tube can be adjusted, the assembly time is greatly shortened. (In the past, the short joints of different lengths were used to adjust the gap between the retainer and the drill bit.) 4 The machining was relatively simple, the bearings were easy to buy, and they were easy to promote.