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如果订购的产品在你发出订单或放下电话后,就能从身边一台小巧的设备中立即物化出现,你感觉会怎样?如果打算去九寨沟旅游时,你便口中念念有词,而话音未落你就已经出现在九寨沟五花海的岸边,饱了一上午的眼瘾之后,你还可以回家吃午饭,而不必忍受旅游景点不合胃口的伙食,你感觉又会怎样?如果世界真的可以这样,你是不是会激动得浑身发抖?电信业和互联网的发展的确给我们带来了很多的方便。我们现在已经在以光速进行信息交换了。但信息的光速传递,却常常会被物质传输速度的低效完全淹没。我们可以进行网上订购,我们也可以进行网上支付,但我们却不能直接从网上接货,至少绝大部分货品是无法从网上直接拿到的(无实体的可下载的产品,例如软件,除外)。在现实生活中,我们偶尔也能感受到似乎是物质在以光速传输,例如,当我们使用传真机时,对方输入一份文件,我们这边就会输出相同的一份文件。但这只不过是我们的一种 If you order the product after you place an order or put down the phone, you can from a compact device around immediately materialized, what do you feel? If you are planning to go to Jiuzhaigou, you will remembered the mouth, and the voice is not falling you Has emerged in the shore of Wuhua ditch Wuhuahai, full of morning eye addiction, you can also go home for lunch, without having to endure the tourist attractions appetite food, what do you feel like? If the world can really do Will you be shaking with trepidation? The development of the telecommunications industry and the Internet has indeed brought us a lot of convenience. We are now exchanging information at the speed of light. However, the speed of light transmission of information is often completely submerged by the inefficiencies of material transmission. We can order online and we can also make online payments, but we can not pick them up online, at least the vast majority of them are not directly available online (no physical downloadable products, except for software, for example) . In real life, we occasionally feel that it seems that matter is being transmitted at the speed of light. For example, when we use a fax machine, the other party enters a document and the same document is output on our side. But this is just one of us
闪耀新技术光辉的巨型火箭 我国发射载人飞船的火箭是“长征”二号F型,这是将“长征”二号一级火箭作为芯级,并在四周捆绑4枚液体助推火箭形成“长二捆”火箭后又改进了的新