目的分析马尔康县2015年碘缺乏病监测资料,及时掌握人群碘营养状况、儿童甲状腺肿大情况及孕妇健康教育知晓率,为碘缺乏病防治“十三五计划”采取针对性防治措施和科学调整干预策略提供科学依据。方法碘盐监测:按随机抽样监测方法,东、西、南、北、中5个方位各随机抽取1个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)随机抽取4个行政村,每村随机抽取15户。病情监测:随机抽取的5个乡(镇)每乡(镇)抽取1所小学(40名学生)监测学生尿碘情况;全县随机抽取100名孕妇检查尿碘水平及其家中盐碘含量。健康教育:每乡随机抽取10名孕妇。结果碘盐监测:马尔康县采集居民食用盐共340份,合格碘盐食用率96.76%,碘盐合格率97.91%,碘盐覆盖率为98.8%。病情监测:采集儿童尿碘220份,儿童尿碘中位数150.85μg/L,触诊甲状腺肿大率0%;孕妇尿碘和家中盐碘含量:全县随机抽取100名孕妇监测尿碘水平,孕妇尿碘中位数183.215μg/L。尿碘水平低于50μg/L的3份,比例为3%,超过500μg/L的2份,即过量碘摄入占2.00%,定量检测孕妇家中碘盐,碘含量在21~39 mg/kg的98份,<5 mg/kg的1份。健康教育:孕妇知晓率65%。结论马尔康县通过碘盐监测和开展碘缺乏病防治健康教育,碘缺乏病防治效果显著,学生和孕妇尿碘中位数处于正常水平,孕妇知晓率基本令人满意,碘缺乏病如期实现“十二五规划”消除目标。
Objective To analyze the monitoring data of iodine deficiency disorders in Malcolm County in 2015 and to know the iodine nutrition status, awareness of thyroid enlargement and health education in pregnant women in a timely manner, to take targeted prevention and control measures for iodine deficiency disorders and the 13th Five-Year Plan Scientifically adjust the intervention strategy to provide a scientific basis. Methods Iodized salt monitoring: According to the random sampling and monitoring method, 1 township (town) was randomly selected from 5 orientations in the east, west, south, north and center. Each village (town) randomly selected 4 administrative villages. Each village was randomly selected 15 households. Condition monitoring: One primary school (40 students) was randomly selected from 5 townships (townships) per township (town) to monitor the urinary iodine status of students; 100 pregnant women were randomly selected to examine urinary iodine levels and the salt iodine content in their homes. Health Education: Randomly select 10 pregnant women in each township. Results Iodized salt monitoring: Malcolm county collected 340 food salt, 96.76% qualified iodized salt, 97.91% iodized salt and 98.8% iodized salt. Condition monitoring: Urine iodine was collected in 220 children, urinary iodine median 150.85μg / L, palpation goiter rate 0%; Urinary iodine and iodine in pregnant women: 100 pregnant women were randomly selected to monitor urinary iodine The median urinary iodine of pregnant women was 183.215μg / L. The urinary iodine levels were lower than 50μg / L in 3, the proportion of 3%, more than 500μg / L of 2, that is, excessive iodine intake accounted for 2.00%, quantitative detection of iodized salt in pregnant women, iodine content 21 ~ 39 mg / kg Of 98 parts, <5 mg / kg of 1 part. Health Education: Pregnant women awareness rate of 65%. Conclusion Malcolm County, through iodized salt monitoring and iodine deficiency disease prevention and control of health education, prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders significant effect, students and pregnant women in the normal median urinary iodine, pregnant women, the basic satisfactory rate of awareness, iodine deficiency disorders as scheduled to achieve Twelfth Five-Year Plan "to eliminate the goal.