鼠年春节假期刚过,交通部珠江航务管理局便 o 召开为期3天的“珠航局1996年工作会议”。上班 伊始的这一快节奏安排,使全局上下立即讲入了工 作状态,没有出现干部职工节后余兴未尽的松散 象,为鼠年该局各项工作开了好头。 局长、党委书记赖定荣在会上做了题为《团结 Q 长,党组书记赖定荣在会上作了题为大闭法g o
After the Spring Festival holiday, the Zhujiang Navigation Administration of the Ministry of Communications held a three-day “Pearl Harbor Administration’s 1996 Working Conference.” This fast-paced arrangement at the beginning of work brought the whole situation into immediate working conditions without any loosening images of unruly cadres and workers after the holiday, which made a good start to the work of the council during the Year of the Rat. Secretary-General Lai Dingrong, party secretary at the meeting made a speech entitled "unity Q long party secretary Lai Dingrong made a speech entitled a large closed g o