
来源 :食品与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wpsl5168
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◎烟酒成为餐桌上主旋律如今,餐桌上的烟酒成为商务人士维系情感的主旋律,它们可以拉近谈判场上的距离,可以提升与客户合作的几率,更可以增加事业成功的砝码。但是,过多的烟酒会对肝肺造成很大的损伤,给健康埋下 ◎ Tobacco and alcohol become the main theme of the table Today, the tobacco and alcohol on the table become the main theme of business people to maintain the emotion, they can narrow the distance between the negotiation field, can enhance the chance of cooperation with customers, but also can increase the success weight. However, too much alcohol and tobacco will cause great damage to the liver and lungs, laying healthily
八月份先后经历立秋、处暑两个节气,而秋季燥气当令,燥邪容易耗损人体的津液,很多人会出现口干、唇干、鼻干、咽干、舌干少津、大便燥结、皮肤干燥甚至皲裂等,因此应选择滋阴润燥的补益之品。另外,肺喜清肃濡润,主呼吸与大气相通,外合皮毛,与大肠相表里,故燥邪最易伤肺,引起咳嗽或干咳无痰、口舌干燥、皮肤干燥、便秘等症,而秋季正是养肺的最佳时机。  推荐食材:西洋参、燕窝、冬虫夏草、雪蛤、蜂蜜、百合、麦冬、乌梅